Demo Drive2024-11-12T12:28:33-07:00


What is the Demo Drive?

We know how hard it is to portray the value of a process through literature and sales calls.

We value your hard work as our dealers and we want to support you as best we can in that process… so we created a mobile sales tool we call the Demo Drive. We have a mobile shop for running demos in your customer’s parking lot. The trailer has its own power, compressed air and heating/air conditioning. All machines are running and ready to make YOUR samples.

pillar machine

What we need from you

We need a firm date for the drive so we can have the machines you request for the drive in production and the trailer ready. We need a couple of solid appointments in each day and several back up cold calls to fill in the time if things change, which they usually do. Four out of five cold calls brings people out to the trailer. Machines in the parking lot bring the masses.

pillar demo drive top view
pillar machine

What should you expect?

We arrive the night before our first appointment and are ready to roll the next morning as early as you’d like. We’ll have the trailer ready for demo in 4 minutes – about the time it takes you to go in and gather your customer.

Once the demo is done, we are off to the next appointment.

You could say, we are road warriors; if your last appointment is at 7 pm and we need to be to a different salesman’s’ territory at 7 am the next day, we will drive through the night. Our goal is to give you the maximum amount of exposure in the time available so driving the long hauls over the weekends gives us full days with you during the weekday.

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We generally bring 4 or 5 machines, including the HP5D Horizontal Bore, Dowel, and Panel Groove machine; M45 Mortise & Tenon Miter Doors machine; CMJ Coping machine; Larick 700 Profile Sander; and Larick 410 Shaper Sander.

If you have a specific machine you think would suit your area, let us know…We’ll fit it in.

28,313 MILES SO FAR FOR 2024!

Our dealers all over the country are reporting that the Demo Drives have been tremendously successful in establishing strong relationships with their customers and have helped them to sell machines from other vendors.

Pillar Machine believes in TEAM WORK!

Contact a Sales Manager today to see if you’re on the route:

United States Western Region & Mexico

United States Eastern Region

(Eastern, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, BC)
647-696-6279, ezinger@pillarmachine.com

Steve Devereaux

Chris Deal

Eric Zinger


Our commitment to innovative engineering has earned us the reputation of producing the highest quality and most competitive manufacturing solutions in the global market.

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