TPMN: December, 2021

Pillar Machine
Changing the way the world manufactures 5 piece doors.
The HP5D will machine laminate, melamine, paper wrapped, vinyl wrapped or thermofoil parts for cabinet doors. It can also be used for all frameless cabinet box construction. The machine drills the holes, inserts the dowels, and cuts the panel groove on both the stiles and rails.
Stock machines that are ready to ship!
Mortise and tenon miter machine
Mortise and tenon miter machine
Horizontal dowel inserting machine
Tear-out free coping machine
Machines with only a few weeks lead time!
Panel sizing and squaring machine
Horizontal and vertical dowel inserting machine
Tear-out free coping machine

Stay a step ahead of the game by getting preapproved today!
To get a quote, contact Steve Devereaux @ 801-550-5183 (Western North America)
or Chris Deal @ 801-550-9732 (Eastern North America)
Thank You!
From all of us here at Pillar Machine!

Pillar Machine - Made in the USA
Pillar Machine, 1810 West 5000 South, Taylorsville, Utah 84129, USA

By |2023-09-27T15:02:41-06:00December 2nd, 2021|The Pillar Machine Newsletter|Comments Off on TPMN: December, 2021

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